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Car Parking Permits for Staff




Car Parking Permits for Staff


Detailed Description

A staff annual permit costs £75 per annum for those up to and including spinal point 23 and £150 for those on spinal point 24 and above.

The cost of parking will be deducted directly from employee scheme members’ salaries – monthly.

Disabled staff will be eligible for an annual permit at a cost of £1 per annum subject to the presentation of a valid Blue Badge. Both sides of the Blue badge to be sent to [email protected].

Permits can be activated within 24 hours of payment providing staff have been a member of the car parking scheme previously.
For staff new to the car parking scheme - once Payroll confirm deductions are set up they will be required to attend the car parking office to validate their staff card, before it will permit access at the campus control barriers.

Staff based at Coleraine, Jordanstown or Magee click here:

Staff based at Belfast Click here: (Belfast campus car parks is via a Needs Based Assessment Procedure).

Application forms should be returned to [email protected].

In purchasing a Car Parking Permit users are accepting and agreeing to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use outlined at: https://www.ulster.ac.uk/carparks/terms-and-conditions

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